Archive for November, 2016

  • Light and Dark Alfar, the difference is slighter than one might think, and I will advise this: do not go to them without first having friends in high and low places. It’s not the sort of place where you want to stand alone on your own merit, not without having those who would look for you if you became lost. I don’t mean physically vanishing. Have a look at my story ‘Not The Tree’ for an example of how the Light may be “kind” in granting humans their desires (see the story index).

I’ve heard very similar stories whispered, which I’ve written down for my Ladies — most lately in editing Sjofn’s. This short piece is beautifully written and I thought it worth re-posting. Good fairy tales hold warnings that are best heeded.


or How to Pop the Pimple of Hatred

What would the Norns (Fates) think of Trump’s election? As a seer, it’s important to see the forces at work and understand Newton’s Third Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This result is bad, but not as bad as you may think. 

This is an opinion piece, but it relates to how a seer views events of history in such a way as to get some sleep at night. I hope it gives Democrats some comfort. And if you’re Republican, congratulations on your win. Remember that the only constant is change.

There’s a story about a farmer whose horse runs away. “How terrible!” say the neighbors.

Eh, maybe,” replies the farmer.

His son goes to find the horse and catches a wild stallion at the same time. “How lucky!” say the neighbors.

Eh, maybe,” replies the farmer.

While training their new stallion, his son gets thrown off and breaks his leg. “How terrible!” say the neighbors.

Eh, maybe,” replies the farmer.

The next day, war breaks out and all able young men are conscripted. The son with the broken leg is of course exempted. How lucky!” say the neighbors.

Eh, maybe.”

An event is only good or bad in retrospect. When it happens, it’s hard to tell whether it may be an immediate good for long term harm, immediate harm for long term good, or simply what it seems to be. (more…)