A Guide for Young Ladies Entering the Service of the Fairies

Posted: November 28, 2016 in Alfar & Duergar, Stories
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  • Light and Dark Alfar, the difference is slighter than one might think, and I will advise this: do not go to them without first having friends in high and low places. It’s not the sort of place where you want to stand alone on your own merit, not without having those who would look for you if you became lost. I don’t mean physically vanishing. Have a look at my story ‘Not The Tree’ for an example of how the Light may be “kind” in granting humans their desires (see the story index).

I’ve heard very similar stories whispered, which I’ve written down for my Ladies — most lately in editing Sjofn’s. This short piece is beautifully written and I thought it worth re-posting. Good fairy tales hold warnings that are best heeded.



  1. Ly says:

    I was truly expecting to follow a tumblr link and feel only derision (though I would have said nothing rather than rudely voice such :p ) and I was truly surprised to see something a lot better than what I was expecting.

    One of these days I need to show you the link to the archive of classic unedited fairy tales that I’ve spent a lot of time reading – there are some real gems in there.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. wynndark says:

    A haunting tale, as all fairy stories should be to some extent or another. Thank you for showcasing it.

    Real fairy tales make me wonder why we humans are so fascinated and so want to meet these Beings…and yet they fascinate don’t they?

    Liked by 1 person

    • lofnbard says:

      People used to be terrified of them and avoid them at all costs, until the Victorian small fairy fashion came along. We just can’t help wanting to poke at what is hidden though. Faery, the final frontier!


      • wynndark says:

        Yes I think that they are so very dangerous is part of what makes people want to meet the Alfar. Personally I’d rather be in right relationship with the local land weights and let any “larger” relationships develop rather cautiously.


      • lofnbard says:

        Not everyone gets a choice in the matter… 😛


  3. wynndark says:

    True, not everyone does and I have been lucky in that. Any failure of connection is firmly on my side as opposed to having such relationships pushed upon me. May those that have less or no choice learn very very quickly.


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